2(a)  A Bezier curve can be summarize with the formula,

                      Pb(t) = T MB GB

               while a B-spline curve is

                    Pbs(t) = T MBS GBS
               To replace a Bezier curve by a B-spline curve and then determine the
           geometry vector, we can equate the two equations and find GBS.
           This is simply because that the resulting curves should be the same
           (at least in most respects), therefore:

                            Pb(t) = Pbs(t)
                            T MB GB = T MBS GBS
                            MBS GBS = MB G                         
                            GBS = MBS-1 MB GB
          Thus, given the basis matrices for both curves and the control point
          (GB), GBScan be easily be found.


         Let n = 2 and substitute to the equation  [ (1-t) + t ] n  described at page 75 (Course Notes)
         Basis function :
                   [ (1-t) + t ]2  = (1-t)2 + 2t(1-t) + t2

                  f1(t) = (1-t)2   = 1 - 2t + t2
                  f2(t) = 2t(1-t) = 2t - 2t2
                        f3(t) = t2

          So the basis matrix is
          [ 1  -2    1]
          [-2   2    0]
          [ 1   0    0]

    Thus, P(t) =  T M G
                           [ 1  -2    1] [0  0]
             =  [t2   t   1][-2   2    0] [1  1]
                           [ 1   0    0] [0  2]

                            [-2  0]
              [t2   t   1] [ 2  2]
                            [ 0  0]

                                                     =    [-2t2+2t  2t]

    So,   x = -2t2 + 2t
              y = 2t
        (The curve is shown as above)

 (c) First, we have to check the end points of the two curves to determine C0 continuity.
                Pa(t)  =  (3t2-1,  t3-4t+1,  3t+2)
                Pb(t)  =  (t2-1,   2t3-t2+8t+1,  t3-6t+2)

                Pa(0)  =  (-1,  1,  2)
                Pb(0)  =  (-1,  1,  2)
                So, when t = 0, C0 continuous.

                Pa(1)  =  (2,  -2,   5)
                Pb(1)  =  (0,  10, -3)
     So,the beginning of two curves joint at the same point when t = 0.
     Now check for the first derivatives of both curves at t = 0
            P'a(t)  =  (6t,  3t2-4,  3)
            P'b(t)  =  (2t,   6t2-2t+8,  3t2-6)

            P'a(0)  =  (0,  -4,   3)
            P'b(0)  =  (0,   8,  -6)

            Therefore -2P'a(0)  =  P'b(0)
     Since their first derivatives are negatively proportional at the same point, they do not
     have the same direction.
     So we can conclude that Pa(t) and Pb(t) are only C0 continuous.


3(b)   The program prints out the number of nodes in the completed BSP tree. This can be more than
             the number of polygons because some of them are split when they are inserted into tree. The
             insertion order of  polygons can yield an optimal (e.g., minimal size) BSP tree for test1.

            The best way to generate an optimal BSP tree is to minimize number of divided partitioning
            planes (i.e. avoid dividing a node into two separate ones.)  In other words, the smaller the
            BSP tree size (must be greater or equal to number of partitioning planes), the optimal
            the BSP tree is.

             The followings are two examples that yield an optimal BSP tree for test1.

               i)  MyTest1 Script File
                   A   4 1 7 3   2
                   C   8 9 3 8   1.7
                   E   1 8 5 10  2
                   B   8 4 6 7   2.5
                   D   4 6 4 3   1.3
                   F   1 6 3 5   2.1

                   hactar% bsp -d < MyTest1
                   Inserting A 4 1 7 3 2
                   Inserting C 8 9 3 8 1.7
                     C becomes left leaf of A
                   Inserting E 5 10 1 8 2
                     E goes left of A
                     E becomes right leaf of C
                   Inserting B 8 4 6 7 2.5
                     B goes left of A
                     B becomes left leaf of C
                   Inserting D 4 3 4 6 1.3
                     D goes left of A
                     D goes left of C
                     D becomes left leaf of B
                   Inserting F 3 5 1 6 2.1
                     F goes left of A
                     F goes left of C
                     F goes left of B
                     F becomes left leaf of D
                   BSP size: 6 nodes

              ii)  MyTest2 Script File
                   E   1 8 5 10  2
                   C   8 9 3 8   1.7
                   A   4 1 7 3   2
                   B   8 4 6 7   2.5
                   D   4 6 4 3   1.3
                   F   1 6 3 5   2.1

                    hactar% bsp -d < MyTest2
                    Inserting E 5 10 1 8 2
                    Inserting C 8 9 3 8 1.7
                      C becomes left leaf of E
                    Inserting A 4 1 7 3 2
                      A goes left of E
                      A becomes left leaf of C
                    Inserting B 8 4 6 7 2.5
                      B goes left of E
                      B goes left of C
                      B becomes left leaf of A
                    Inserting D 4 3 4 6 1.3
                      D goes left of E
                      D goes left of C
                      D goes left of A
                      D becomes left leaf of B
                    Inserting F 3 5 1 6 2.1
                      F goes left of E
                      F goes left of C
                      F goes left of A
                      F goes left of B
                      F becomes left leaf of D
                   BSP size: 6 nodes

        Insertion order for MyTest1 : A -> C -> E -> B -> D -> F
        Insertion order for MyTest2 : E -> C -> A -> B -> D -> F

        Since the BSP tree sizes for the above scripts, MyTest1 and MyTest2, are both 6 nodes, which
        are equal to the number of partitioning planes inserted, we can conclude that both scripts yield
        optimal BSP trees.  Note that it is possible to generate other optimal BSP trees with different
        insertion orders.

3(c) By inspection we know that test3 is the worst-order for the number of  nodes in a BSP tree if the
          scene contains n polygons, whereas test4 is the best-order for the number of nodes in a BSP tree
          in the same condition.

          The following diagram illustrates the insertion order of test3 and test4 :


      Assume the scene contains n polygons

          The total  number of node, S  = 1 + 1 + 1 + ......  + 1
                                                   S  = n

           The total number of  node, S = 1 + 2 + 3 + .......... + n

               S  =  1 +     2     +       3    +     4     + ..... + (n-1) + n
            + S  =  n +   (n-1) +    (n-2) +    (n-3) + ..... +   2     + 1
             2S  =  n (n+1)
               S  =  n (n +1) / 2

       Thus the worst-case order for the number of nodes in a BSP tree if the scene contains n polygons
        is n (n+1) / 2

     By inspection from the diagram above, we know that the maximum depth complexity that the scene
     test1 can exhibit is 4. This can be seen at the magenta line shown as above. It is possible to have
     different pixels to get the maximum depth complexity that the scene test1 can exhibit but the
     maximum depth complexity for this particular scene is 4.

   Last Updated : 22 December 97
                            23:20:55 EST